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Automated Provisioning Using IBM Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator and Enterprise Workload Manager

An IBM Redpaper publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 08 July 2007

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IBM Form #: REDP-4117-01

Authors: Lynn Winkelbauer and Buzzetti Mike

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    IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager dynamically provisions, and deprovisions, server instances. It does so based on the end-to-end service-level achievement that is provided by the IBM Enterprise Workload Manager and coordinated by IBM Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator.

    This IBM Redpaper explains how the integration of Enterprise Workload Manager and Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator can proficiently and automatically provision systems and application middleware. In doing so, we demonstrate how business goals continue to be achieved, regardless of varying transaction rates, with efficient use of the system resources in an environment. The paper begins with an overview of the products followed by the Enterprise Workload Manager and Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator provisioning solution components. Then it describes our test environment and the installation and customization that we performed.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1. Product overview

    Chapter 2. Components of the Enterprise Workload Manager provisioning solution

    Chapter 3. Environment for testing the provisioning solution


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