Our data volume is exploding. But not just the volume of data, the type of data is taking on increasing forms, and the demand for speed at which we need to understand this data is accelerating. We need computers that can assess this flood of information so that we can mine the most value from our data.
IBM® is leading the Cognitive Systems Era. It is transforming the way we use computers and technology to process information and natural language, creating the potential to change the way businesses use information and make decisions. As explained in this IBM Redbooks® Point-of-View paper, cognitive systems, such as IBM Watson™, can transform how organizations think, act, and operate in the future.
For more specific information on how Watson combines natural language processing, dynamic learning, and hypothesis generation and evaluation to give direct, confidence-based responses, see the IBM Redpaper "The Era of Cognitive Systems: An Inside Look at IBM Watson and How it Works", REDP-4955:
Gaining insight from big data
Language processing complexity
Meet Watson
Watson and language
How Watson responds to questions
Putting Watson to work
What's next: How IBM can help