Migration Use Cases with the Migration Manager

An IBM Redbooks publication

Published 21 January 2011, updated 23 May 2011

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ISBN-10: 0738435090
ISBN-13: 9780738435091
IBM Form #: SG24-7906-00
(288 pages)

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Authors: Downing Bradley, Burak Bolek, David A Gutierrez, John Dibble, Kylie Cameron, Sampath Sriramadhesikan, Scott Tyrrell, Thadeu de Russo e Carmo, Vasfi Gucer


The Migration Manager enables you to migrate configuration content from one production environment to another. The typical use is to migrate configuration content from a development environment to a test environment and then on to production for the Tivoli® process automation engine and its applications, such as IBM® Tivoli Change and Configuration Management Database (CCMDB) and IBM Tivoli Service Request Manager®. The goal of migration is to ensure that your production environment fully meets the needs of your users.

This IBM Redbooks® publication covers the most common migration use cases with the Migration Manager. Of course, these use cases are only a small subset of the possible migration scenarios that can be performed by the Migration Manager, but they were chosen to be representative of the capabilities of the Migration Manager.

In addition to these use cases, the book presents a migration strategy and a comprehensive chapter about troubleshooting possible migration problems when using the Migration Manager.

We strongly suggest that you read Chapter 1, "Migration strategy" on page 1 first before reading the other chapters. This chapter will give you a good foundation for all of the migration scenarios covered in the book.

This book will be a reference for IT Specialists and IT Architects working on migrating configuration content from one production environment to another using the Migration Manager.

Table of contents

Chapter 1. Migration strategy
Chapter 2. Migrating data dictionary
Chapter 3. Migrating security configuration data
Chapter 4. Migrating escalations
Chapter 5. Migrating applications and Start Centers
Chapter 6. Migrating workflows
Chapter 7. Migrating classifications
Chapter 8. Migrating service offering content
Chapter 9. Migrating a service catalog
Chapter 10. Common topics
Chapter 11. Troubleshooting
Appendix A. Additional material

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