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What AI Can Do for You: Use Cases for AI on IBM Z
IBM Z software

Redpaper, published 2 Aug 2022, last updated 2 Aug 2022

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are talked about as though they are in a distant future. That future is here. We live in a world where technology is fully integrated with how we live. People own smartphones, smart wearables, smart TVs, and so on. With the integration of technology into almost every aspect of our everyday lives, there is an ever-growing, massive amount of data coming from each digital interaction. This data is the critical fuel powering deep enterprise insights that can be used to expand AI capabilities and infuse those capabilities into ... [more]

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IBM DB2 for z/OS: Configuring TLS/SSL for Secure Client/Server Communications
IBM Z software

Redpaper, published 23 Feb 2022, last updated 25 Feb 2022

This IBM® Redpaper publication provides information about how to set up and configure IBM Db2® for z/OS® with Transport Layer Security (TLS), which is the modern version of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). This configuration is accomplished by using the IBM z/OS Communications Server Application Transparent Transport Layer Security (AT-TLS) services. This paper also describes the steps for configuring TLS/SSL support for the IBM Data Server Driver Package (DS Driver) for IBM Data Server Provider for .NET, Open Database Connectivity (ODBC), and Call Level Interface clients to access a Db2 for z/OS ... [more]

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Installing and Configuring IBM Db2 AI for IBM z/OS v1.4.0
Data and AI

Redpaper, published 21 Jul 2021, last updated 4 Jan 2022

Artificial intelligence (AI) enables computers and machines to mimic the perception, learning, problem-solving, and decision-making capabilities of the human mind. AI development is made possible by the availability of large amounts of data and the corresponding development and wide availability of computer systems that can process all that data faster and more accurately than humans can. What happens if you infuse AI with a world-class database management system, such as IBM Db2®? IBM® has done just that with Db2 AI for z/OS (Db2ZAI). Db2ZAI is built to infuse AI and data science to assist ... [more]

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IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS
Data and AI

Redbooks, published 7 Oct 2021, last updated 26 Oct 2021

This IBM® Redbooks® publication presents an overview of the IBM Data Virtualization Manager for IBM z/OS® offering and the role it plays in accessing traditional non-relational data on IBM Z. If there is anything true about the IT industry, it is change and data. Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS is built with both of these absolute truths in mind. With Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS, an organization can extend its infrastructure and data investments to support new ways of accessing and presenting data within modern applications. Modernizing access to those highly valuable ... [more]

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Integrating Db2 for z/OS Database Changes Into a CI/CD Pipeline
Data and AI

Redpaper, published 3 Sep 2021, last updated 13 Sep 2021

The goal of this IBM® Redbooks® publication is to demonstrate the ability to perform single click automated deployments of multi-platform applications that include IBM Db2 for z/OS database schema changes by using the capabilities of IBM Db2 DevOps Experience for z/OS. Pushing the application and database code changes to a source control management system (SCM) triggers a single CI/CD pipeline execution for application and database changes. Therefore, it mitigates the dependency on the DBA to deploy those database changes in a separate process. At the same time, DBAs can safeguard the ... [more]

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