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Solving Operational Business Intelligence with InfoSphere Warehouse Advanced Edition

An IBM Redbooks publication


Published on 02 October 2012

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ISBN-10: 0738437255
ISBN-13: 9780738437255
IBM Form #: SG24-8031-00

Authors: Whei-Jen Chen, Pat Bates, Timothy Donovan, Garrett Fitzsimons, Jon Lind and Rogerio Silva

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    IBM® InfoSphere® Warehouse is the IBM flagship data warehouse platform for departmental data marts and enterprise data warehouses. It offers leading architecture, performance, backup, and recovery tools that help improve efficiency and reduce time to market through increased understanding of current data assets, while simplifying the daily operations of managing complex warehouse deployments.

    InfoSphere Warehouse Advanced Enterprise Edition delivers an enhanced set of database performance, management, and design tools. These tools assist companies in maintaining and increasing value from their warehouses, while helping to reduce the total cost of maintaining these complex environments.

    In this IBM Redbooks® publication we explain how you can build a business intelligence system with InfoSphere Warehouse Advanced Enterprise to manage and support daily business operations for an enterprise, to generate more income with lower cost. We describe the foundation of the business analytics, the Data Warehouse features and functions, and the solutions that can deliver immediate analytics solutions and help you drive better business outcomes.

    We show you how to use the advanced analytics of InfoSphere Warehouse Advanced Enterprise Edition and integrated tools for data modeling, mining, text analytics, and identifying and meeting the data latency requirements. We describe how the performance and storage optimization features can make building and managing a large data warehouse more affordable, and how they can help significantly reduce the cost of ownership. We also cover data lifecycle management and the key features of IBM Cognos® Business Intelligence.

    This book is intended for data warehouse professionals who are interested in gaining in-depth knowledge about the operational business intelligence solution for a data warehouse that the IBM InfoSphere Warehouse Advanced Enterprise Edition offers.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1. Solving complex operational warehouse challenges

    Chapter 2. Overview of InfoSphere Warehouse Advanced Edition

    Chapter 3. Scenario: Warehouse Live Demo Set

    Chapter 4. Data modeling: End to end

    Chapter 5. Temporal data management and analytics in an operational warehouse

    Chapter 6. Managing complex query workloads in an operational warehouse environment

    Chapter 7. Understand and address data latency requirements

    Chapter 8. Building a corporate backup and recovery strategy

    Chapter 9. Managing data lifecyle with InfoSphere Warehouse

    Chapter 10. Techniques for data mining in an operational warehouse

    Chapter 11. Cognos Business Intelligence for InfoSphere Warehouse

    Chapter 12. InfoSphere Warehouse resilience with Optim Configuration Manager

    Appendix A. InfoSphere Warehouse edition comparison


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