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Healthcare Collaborative Network Solution Planning and Implementation

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 23 February 2006

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ISBN-10: 0738496332
ISBN-13: 9780738496337
IBM Form #: SG24-6779-00

Authors: Hernan Cunico, Edward Oguejiofor, Richard Franck, Li Yuan, Pietro Lopriore, Naveen Nagaraj, Lakshmi Potluri and Werner Van Huffel

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    The IBM WebSphere Business Integration for Healthcare Collaborative Network is an internet-based, private information network that enables secure transmission of clinical data to healthcare participants.

    Healthcare Collaborative Network enables immediacy in the dissemination of clinical data and provides participants with capabilities to detect and respond rapidly to health risks such as adverse drug effects, to manage quality of care, and to implement monitoring and warning systems for detecting the onset of dangerous infectious diseases or bioterrorist attacks.

    This IBM IBM Redbooks publication provides a first-hand guide for creating solutions based on the IBM WebSphere Business Integration for Healthcare Collaborative Network. It includes an example scenario of a public health alert based on Avian Influenza (bird flu) and Avian Influenza A (H5N1).

    Healthcare Collaborative Network is aimed at hospitals and large groups of medical or dental practices, international and government agencies, pharmaceutical companies, and major insurance companies.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1. Introduction to Healthcare Collaborative Network

    Chapter 2. Planning and designing your HCN solution

    Chapter 3. Installing and configuring IBM WebSphere Business Integration for HCN

    Chapter 4. HCN entities and functional components

    Chapter 5. System management

    Chapter 6. Privacy and security

    Appendix A. Customizing Healthcare Collaborative Network

    Appendix B. Health Level 7 overview

    Appendix C. Performance tuning


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