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Published on 07 January 2003

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IBM Form #: TIPS0106

Authors: Jouko Jantti

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    SMP/E HOLDERROR processing is a practical method that can be used to determine SYSMODs in error. With this process you execute the APPLY CHECK BYPASS HOLDERROR command against SYSMODs you have already received. The output from the SMP/E command is then searched for an SMP/E message (GIM35934) that identifies a SYSMOD in error. Another method for determining the SYSMODs in error is to examine the SMP/E CAUSER report. However, the SMP/E CAUSER report contains information about which piece of service held up the other service from going to the system, normally due to a PE chain, and many times, one or two PTFs in error can keep many other PTFs from processing. This technique provides an easy way to find the end of chains. Even though this hint is an extract from an IMS IBM Redbooks publication, it is not only IMS specific topic, and it may apply also to other SMP/E users.



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