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e-Business Intelligence Front-End Tool Access to OS/390 Data Warehouse

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 31 May 2001

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ISBN-10: 0738418986
ISBN-13: 9780738418988
IBM Form #: SG24-5688-00

Authors: Viviane Anavi-Chaput, Kjell Hansson, Charles Lewis and Cheryl Raitakari

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    Based on the IBM e-BI architectural framework, this IBM Redbooks publication explains the building blocks required to connect front-end e-BI user tools to the OS/390 data warehouse or data mart. It also shows the Web integration in the architecture and the accessibility of the data warehouse from browser-based clients in an e-business environment. The book provides:

    An overview of e-BI user connectivity and architectural framework on OS/390, as well as guidance on choosing the appropriate e-BI front-end user tool or e-BI user application, based on end-user profiles.

    Connectivity methodologies, contrasting Web-based middleware with traditional client/server middleware in 2-tier or N-tier solutions connecting users to the OS/390 data warehouse or data mart.

    The steps needed to implement front-end e-BI user tools accessing the OS/390 data warehouse and OLAP data mart. We highlight the stumbling blocks and show the implementation steps for:

    QMF for Windows


    DB2 OLAP Server Analyzer

    Table of Contents

    Ch. 1 e-BI front-end tool connectivity overview

    Ch. 2 Methodology for e-BI front-end tool implementation

    Ch.3 Configuring database connections

    Ch. 4 QMF for Windows

    Ch. 5 Brio Enterprise

    Ch. 6 IBM DB2 OLAP Server Analyzer

    App. A. BI tools interoperating with OS/390 DW

    App. B Setting up DB2 DDF

    App. C QMF for Windows database connection configuration


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