IBM HiperSockets Implementation Guide

An IBM Redbooks publication

Published 10 June 2014

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ISBN-10: 0738439444
ISBN-13: 9780738439440
IBM Form #: SG24-6816-02
(200 pages)

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Authors: Mike Ebbers, Micky Reichenberg, Alexandra Winter


This IBM® Redbooks® publication provides information about the IBM System z® HiperSockets™ function. It offers a broad description of the architecture, functions, and operating systems support. This publication will help you plan and implement HiperSockets. It provides information about the definitions needed to configure HiperSockets for the supported operating systems.

This book is intended for system programmers, network planners, and systems engineers who want to plan and install HiperSockets. A solid background in network and Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) is assumed.

Table of contents

Chapter 1. Overview
Chapter 2. HiperSockets environment definitions
Chapter 3. Software configurations for HiperSockets
Chapter 4. Performance considerations
Chapter 5. Layer 2 and layer 3 modes
Chapter 6. Virtual local area network support
Chapter 7. More HiperSockets features
Chapter 8. Connect HiperSockets to other networks
Chapter 9. HiperSockets in an IBM zEnterprise ensemble
Appendix A. Gathering statistics in a HiperSockets environment
Appendix B. IBM z/OS Sysplex subplexing and HiperSockets
Appendix C. Useful commands

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