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IBM eServer zSeries 900 Technical Guide

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 06 September 2002

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ISBN-10: 0738426970
ISBN-13: 9780738426976
IBM Form #: SG24-5975-01

Authors: Franck Injey

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    This edition of the IBM eServer zSeries 900 Technical Guide contains additional and updated information on the following topics:

    New 16 Turbo models

    Customer Initiated Upgrade (CIU) support

    Concurrent memory upgrades

    Concurrent undo Capacity BackUp (CBU)

    OSA-E High Speed Token Ring support

    OSA-Express enhancements

    Enhanced IBM PCI Cryptographic Accelerator (PCICA) for security

    Customer-defined UDXs

    FICON Express channel cards, CTC support, Cascading Directors support, 2Gbit/sec links

    Fibre Channel Protocol (FCP) support for SCSI devices

    HiperSockets support

    Intelligent Resource Director (IRD) LPAR CPU Management support for non-z/OS logical partitions

    System Managed Coupling Facility Structure Duplexing

    Message Time Ordering for Parallel Sysplex

    64-bit support for Coupling Facility

    RMF support for PCICA, PCICC, and CCF

    RMF reporting on System Assist Processor (SAP)

    Note that a chapter containing information on connectivity has been added to this edition, as well as a new appendix describing fiber cabling services.

    This IBM Redbooks publication is intended for IBM systems engineers, consultants, and customers who need the latest information on z900 features, functions, availability, and services.

    Table of Contents

    1. zSeries 900 overview

    2. zSeries 900 system structure

    3. Connectivity

    4. Cryptography

    5. Sysplex functions

    6. Capacity upgrades

    7. Software support


    A. Reliability, availability, and serviceability functions

    B. Hardware Management Console and Support Element

    C. z900 opgrade paths

    D. Resource Link

    E. CHIPID Mapping Tool

    F. Environmental requirements

    G. Fiber cabling services


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