IBM Spectrum Scale and IBM StoredIQ: Identifying and securing your business data to support regulatory requirements

An IBM Redpaper publication

Published 11 January 2019

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ISBN-10: 0738457396
ISBN-13: 9780738457390
IBM Form #: REDP-5525-00
(26 pages)

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Authors: Sandeep R Patil, Sasikanth Eda, Atul V Gore, Nils Haustein


Having the appropriate storage for hosting business critical data and the proper analytic software for deep inspection of that data is becoming necessary to get deeper insights into the data so that users can categorize which data qualifies for compliance.

This IBM® Redpaper™ publication explains why the storage features of IBM Spectrum™ Scale, when combined with the data analysis and categorization features of IBM StoredIQ®, provide an excellent platform for hosting unstructured business data that is subject to regulatory compliance guidelines, such as General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

In this paper, we describe how IBM StoredIQ can be used to identify files that are stored in an IBM Spectrum Scale™ file system that include personal information, such as phone numbers. These files can be secured in another file system partition by encrypting those files by using IBM Spectrum Scale functions. Encrypting files prevents unauthorized access to those files because only users that can access the encryption key can decrypt those files.

This paper is intended for chief technology officers, solution, and security architects and systems administrators.

Table of contents

IBM Spectrum Scale and IBM StoredIQ Overview
Introduction to IBM Spectrum Scale
Benefits of IBM Spectrum Scale Storage for GDPR
Introduction to IBM StoredIQ
IBM StoredIQ with IBM Spectrum Scale: Harvesting and Protecting Data

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